Arohi Biswas, born to Jaya Das and Soumitra Biswas, came into the world with a bilateral cleft lip. The family resides in Krishna Ganj, Nadia, West Bengal. Jaya and Soumitra’s love marriage had promised a life of happiness, but Arohi’s birth brought unforeseen challenges. Soumitra and his family unjustly blamed Jaya for their daughter’s condition, eventually sending her and Arohi to Jaya’s mother’s house.
Despite her deep sadness, Jaya, driven by her love for her innocent daughter, sought solutions. With the support of her mother, they connected with Mission Smile through a camp coordinator. The team promptly invited Jaya and Arohi to our outreach center at Hiramani Memorial Hospital in Krishna Nagar. There, esteemed surgeon Dr. Manish Mukul Ghosh examined Arohi and determined she was fit for surgery. The very next day, we successfully performed the bilateral cleft lip repair surgery on Arohi.
Tears of joy filled Jaya’s eyes as she saw her daughter’s transformed face. When they returned for a follow-up at Krishna Nagar’s Hiramani Hospital, Jaya shared that her husband and his family were amazed by Arohi’s transformation and were now willing to accept them both back into the family. Jaya expressed her immense happiness and gratitude towards Mission Smile, stating they felt like a godsend in her daughter’s life. She vowed to spread the message that cleft lip is not a curse but a condition that can be corrected with proper medical intervention.